戈惠明 教授、博士生导师
E-mail: hmge@nju.edu.cn 返回
1998.9-2002.6 南京大学生命科学学院 本科
2002.9-2007.6 南京大学生命科学学院 博士 导师:谭仁祥教授
2007.7-2008.12 南京大学生命科学学院 讲师
2009.1-2014.12 南京大学生命科学学院 副教授
2015.1-至今 南京大学生命科学学院 教授
2010.2-2012.7 南京大学化学化工学院 博士后 导师:姚祝军教授
2012.10-2015.12 美国Scripps研究所 博士后 导师:Ben Shen教授
2009年 南京大学青年骨干教师
2010年 南京大学优秀中青年学科带头人
2011年 教育部新世纪优秀人才(2010年度)
2015年 自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金
2016年 江苏省“六大人才高峰” A类
2016年 江苏省第五期“333人才工程” 第三层次
2016年 南京大学登峰人才支持计划B层次
2019年 国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金
2019年 日本化学会CSJ Distinguished Lectureship Award
2020年 第十六届中国青年科技奖(中组部、人资部、共青团中央、中国科协)
2021年 南京大学“我最喜爱的研究生生涯导师”
2016年 《天然产物研究与开发》青年编委
2016年 《化学快报》(Chinese Chemical Letters)青年编委
2017年 《中国天然药物化学》(Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine)青年编委
1. 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金
2. 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目
3. 国家重点研发计划,2020-2021,主持
4. 中药国家重点研发计划,2019-2021,主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,
6. 中央高校基本科研业务费
1. Hu, Y. L.;# Zhang, Q.;# Liu, S. H.; Sun, J. L.; Yin F. Z.; Wang, Z., R.; Shi, J.; Jiao, R. H.*; Ge, H. M.* Building Streptomyces albus as a Chassis for Synthesis of Bacterial Terpenoids. Chem. Sci.2023,14, 3661–3667.
2. Zhang, B.; Ge, H. M. * Selective cycloadditions. Nat. Chem.2023, 15, 167–169.
3. Xiang, L.; Shi, J.;* Xu, Z. F.; Liu, S. H.; Wang, Y. S.; Guo, Z. K.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan R. X.;* Ge, H. M.* Total Biosynthesis of Mutaxanthene Unveils a Flavoprotein Monooxygenase Catalyzing Xanthene Ring Formation. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.2023, 62, e202218660. (VIP paper)
4. Yang, Y. M.; Zhao, E. J.; Wei, W.; Xu, Z. F.; Shi, J.; Wu, X.; Zhang, B.; Igarashi, Y.; Jiao, R. H.; Liang, Y.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M., Cytochrome P450 Catalyzes Benzene Ring Formation in the Biosynthesis of Trialkyl-Substituted Aromatic Polyketides. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.2023,62, e202214026.
5. Shi, J.; Shi, Y.; Li, J. C.; Wei, W.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, P.; Li Liu, C.; Zhang, H.; Wu, R.; Zhang, B.; Jiao, R. H.; Yu, S.; Liang, Y.*; Tan, R. X.*; Ge, H. M.*, In Vitro Reconstitution of Cinnamoyl Moiety Reveals Two Distinct Cyclases for Benzene Ring Formation.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2022,144 (17), 7939-7948.
6. Liu, S. H.; Sun, J. L.; Hu, Y. L.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, X.; Yan, Z. Y.; Guo, X.; Guo, Z. K.; Jiao, R. H.; Zhang, B.*; Tan, R. X.;* Ge, H. M.* Biosynthesis of Sordarin Revealing a Diels-Alderase for the Formation of the Norbornene Skeleton. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2022, e202205577. (Hot Paper)
7. Shi, J.; Ma, J. Q.; Wang, Y. C.; Xu, Z. F.; Zhang, B.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M.*, Discovery of daspyromycins A and B, 2-aminovinyl-cysteine containing lanthipeptides, through a genomics-based approach. Chinese Chemical Letters 2022,33 (1), 511-515.
8. Zhu, H. J.; Zhang, B.; Wang, L.; Wang, W.; Liu, S. H.; Igarashi, Y.; Bashiri, G.; Tan, R. X.;* Ge, H. M.*, Redox Modifications in the Biosynthesis of Alchivemycin A Enable the Formation of Its Key Pharmacophore. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2021, 143 (12), 4751-4757.
9. Wang, K. B.; Wang, W.; Zhang, B.; Wang, X.; Chen, Y.; Zhu, H. J.; Liang, Y.; Tan, R. X.;* Ge, H. M., A 6+4 -cycloaddition adduct is the biosynthetic intermediate in streptoseomycin biosynthesis. Nat. Commun.2021, 12 (1), 2092.
10. Jiao, F. W.; Wang, Y. S.; You, X. T.; Wei, W.; Chen, Y.; Yang, C. L.; Guo, Z. K.; Zhang, B.; Liang, Y.; Tan, R. X.; Jiao, R. H.; Ge, H. M., An NADPH-Dependent Ketoreductase Catalyses the Tetracyclic to Pentacyclic Skeletal Rearrangement in Chartreusin Biosynthesis.Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.2021,60 (50), 26378-26384.
11. Wang, X.; Zhang, C.; Jiang, Y.; Wang, W.; Zhou, Y.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, B.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M.*; Yang, Z. J.*; Liang, Y.*, Influence of Water and Enzyme on the Post-Transition State Bifurcation of NgnD-Catalyzed Ambimodal 6+4 / 4+2 Cycloaddition. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2021,143 (49), 21003-21009.
12. Shi, J.; Xu, X.; Liu, P. Y.; Hu, Y. L.; Zhang, B.; Jiao, R. H.; Bashiri, G.; Tan, R. X.;* Ge, H. M.,* Discovery and biosynthesis of guanipiperazine from a NRPS-like pathway.Chem. Sci.2021, 12 (8), 2925-2930.
13. Liu, S. H.; Wei, Y. Y.; Xing, Y. N.; Chen, Y.; Wang, W.; Wang, K. B.; Liang, Y.; Jiao, R. H.; Zhang, B.;* Ge, H. M.*, A BBE-like Oxidase, AsmF, Dictates the Formation of Naphthalenic Hydroxyl Groups in Ansaseomycin Biosynthesis. Org. Lett. 2021, 23(9), 3724-3728.
14. Xu, Z. F.; Bo, S. T.; Wang, M. J.; Shi, J.; Jiao, R. H.; Sun, Y.; Xu, Q.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H.-M.,* Discovery and biosynthesis of bosamycins from Streptomyces sp. 120454. Chem. Sci.2020,11 (34), 9237-9245.
15. Yang, C. L.; Zhang, B.; Xue, W. W.; Li, W.; Xu, Z. F.; Shi, J.; Shen, Y.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M., Discovery, Biosynthesis, and Heterologous Production of Loonamycin, a Potent Anticancer Indolocarbazole Alkaloid. Org Lett 2020,22 (12), 4665-4669.
16. Tan, Y.; Guo, Z.; Zhu, M.; Shi, J.; Li, W.; Jiao, R.; Tan, R.; Ge, H. M.*, Anti-inflammatory spirobisnaphthalene natural products from a plant-derived endophytic fungus Edenia gomezpompae. Chinese Chemical Letters 2020,31 (6), 1406-1409.
17. Zhang, B.;† Wang, K. B.;† Wang, W.;† Wang, X.;† Liu, F.; Zhu, J.P.; Shi, J.; Li L. Y.; Han, H.; Xu, K.; Qiao, H. Y.; Zhang, X.; Jiao, R. H.; Houk, K. N.;* Liang, Y.;* Tan, R. X.;* Ge, H. M.* Enzyme-catalysed [6+4] cycloadditions in the biosynthesis of natural products. Nature2019, 568, 122-126.
18. Liu, S. H.; Wang, W.; Wang, K. B.; Zhang, B.; Li, W.; Shi, J.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M.* Heterologous Expression of a Cryptic Giant Type I PKS Gene Cluster Leads to the Production of Ansaseomycin. Org. Lett., 2019, 21, 3785-3788.
19. Shi, J.; Liu, C. L.; Zhang, B.; Guo, W. J.; Zhu, J. P.; Chang, C. Y.; Zhao, E. J., Jiao, R. H.; Tan. R. X.; Ge, H. M.* Genome mining and biosynthesis of kitacinnamycins as a STING activator. Chem. Sci., 2019, 4839-4846.
20. Shi, J.; Zeng, Y. J.; Zhang, B.; Shao, F. L.; Chen, Y. C.; Xu, X.; Sun, Y.; Xu, Q.; Tan, R. X.*; Ge, H. M.* Comparative genome mining and heterologous expression of an orphan NRPS gene cluster direct the production of ashimides. Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 3042-3048.
21. Wang, Y. S.; Zhang, B.; Zhu, J.P.*; Yang, C. L.; Guo, Y.; Liu, C. L.; Liu, F.; Huang, H.; Zhao, S. W.; Liang, Y.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X.*; Ge, H. M.* Molecular Basis for the Final Oxidative Rearrangement Steps in Chartreusin Biosynthesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018, 10909-10914.
22. Zhang, X.; Wang, T. T.; Xu, Q. L.; Xiong, Y.; Zhang, L.; Han, H.; Xu, K.; Guo, W. J.; Xu, Q.; Tan, R. X.*; Ge, H. M.*, Genome Mining and Comparative Biosynthesis of Meroterpenoids from Two Phylogenetically Distinct Fungi. Angew Chem Int Edit2018,57 (27), 8184-8188.
23. Zhang, B.; Wang, K. B.; Wang, W.; Bi, S. F.; Mei, Y. N.; Deng, X. Z.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X.*; Ge, H. M.*, Discovery, Biosynthesis, and Heterologous Production of Streptoseomycin, an Anti-Microaerophilic Bacteria Macrodilactone. Org Lett 2018,20 (10), 2967-2971
24. Xu, Q.-L.; Xiao, Y.-S.; Shen, Y.; Wu, H.-M.; Zhang, X.; Deng, X.-Z.; Wang, T.-T.; Li, W.; Tan, R.-X.; Jiao, R.-H.*; Ge, H.-M.*, Novel chaetospirolactone and orsellide F from an endophytic fungus Chaetomium sp. J Asian Nat Prod Res 2018,20 (3), 234-241.
25. Wang, T. T.; Wei, Y. J.; Ge, H. M.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X., Acaulide, an Osteogenic Macrodiolide from Acaulium sp H-JQSF, an Isopod-Associated Fungus. Org Lett 2018,20 (4), 1007-1010
26. Wang, T. T.; Wei, Y. J.; Ge, H. M.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X., Acaulins A and B, Trimeric Macrodiolides from Acaulium sp H-JQSF. Org Lett 2018,20 (8), 2490-2493
27. Guo, Z.-K.; Zhou, Y.-Q.; Han, H.; Wang, W.; Xiang, L.; Deng, X.-Z.; Ge, H.-M.*; Jiao, R.-H.*, New Antibacterial Phenone Derivatives Asperphenone A-C from Mangrove-Derived Fungus Aspergillus sp YHZ-1. Mar Drugs 2018,16 (2)
28. Chen, Y.; Jiang, N.; Wei, Y. J.; Li, X.; Ge, H. M.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X., Citrofulvicin, an Antiosteoporotic Polyketide from Penicillium velutinum. Org Lett 2018,20 (13), 3741-3744
29. Bo, S. T.; Xu, Z. F.; Yang, L.; Cheng, P.; Tan, R. X.; Jiao, R. H.*; Ge, H. M.*, Structure and biosynthesis of mayamycin B, a new polyketide with antibacterial activity from Streptomyces sp 120454. J Antibiot 2018,71 (6), 601-605
30. Yan, X.; Hindra; Ge, H. M.; Yang, D.; Huang, T.; Crnovcic, I.; Chang, C.-Y.; Fang, S.-M.; Annaval, T.; Zhu, X.; Huang, Y.; Zhao, L.-X.; Jiang, Y.; Duan, Y.; Shen, B., Discovery of Alternative Producers of the Enediyne Antitumor Antibiotic C-1027 with High Titers. J Nat Prod 2018,81 (3), 594-599
31. Zhang, M.; Yang, C. L.; Xiao, Y. S.; Zhang, B.; Deng, X. Z.; Yang, L.; Shi, J.; Wang, Y. S.; Li, W.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M.*, Aurachin SS, a new antibiotic from Streptomyces sp NA04227. J Antibiot 2017,70 (7), 853-855
32. Yang, C.-L.; Wang, Y.-S.; Liu, C.-L.; Zeng, Y.-J.; Cheng, P.; Jiao, R.-H.; Bao, S.-X.; Huang, H.-Q.; Tan, R.-X.*; Ge, H.-M.*, Strepchazolins A and B: Two New Alkaloids from a Marine Streptomyces chartreusis NA02069. Mar Drugs 2017,15 (8), 244.
33. Xiao, Y. S.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, M.; Guo, Z. K.; Deng, X. Z.; Shi, J.; Li, W.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X.*; Ge, H. M.*, Rifamorpholines A-E, potential antibiotics from locust-associated actinobacteria Amycolatopsis sp Hca4. Org Biomol Chem 2017,15 (18), 3909-3916
34. Shen, Y.; Xu, Q. L.; Cheng, P.; Liu, C. L.; Lu, Z. Y.; Li, W.; Wang, T. T.; Lu, Y. H.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M.*; Jiao, R. H.* Aromatic polyketides from a caterpillar associated Alternaria sp. Tetrahedron Lett 2017,58 (31), 3069-3072
35. Ma, S. Y.; Xiao, Y. S.; Zhang, B.; Shao, F. L.; Guo, Z. K.; Zhang, J. J.; Jiao, R. H.; Sun, Y.; Xu, Q.; Tan, R. X.*; Ge, H. M.* Amycolamycins A and B, Two Enediyne-Derived Compounds from a Locust-Associated Actinomycete. Org Lett 2017,19 (22), 6208-6211
36. Li, X.; Lu, T.; Xue, W.; Wang, Y.; Luo, Q.; Ge, H. M.; Tan, R.; Shen, Y.; Xu, Q., Small molecule-mediated upregulation of CCR7 ameliorates murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by accelerating T-cell homing. International Immunopharmacology 2017,53, 33-41
37. Ji, R.; Zhou, L.; Liu, J.; Wang, Y.; Yang, L.; Zheng, Q.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, B.; Ge, H.; Yang, Y.; Zhao, F.; Luan, S.; Lan, W., Calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK31 interacts with arsenic transporter AtNIP1; 1 and regulates arsenite uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plos One 2017,12 (3);(s) Gao, J.; Fan, M.; Xiang, G.; Wang, J.; Zhang, X.; Guo, W.; Wu, X.; Sun, Y.; Gu, Y.; Ge, H.; Tan, R.; Qiu, H.; Shen, Y.; Xu, Q., Diptoindonesin G promotes ERK-mediated nuclear translocation of p-STAT1 (Ser727) and cell differentiation in AML cells. Cell Death & Disease 2017,8
38. Chen, Y.-S.; Chen, C.-J.; Yan, W.; Ge, H.-M.; Kong, L.-D., Anti-hyperuricemic and anti-inflammatory actions of vaticaffinol isolated from Dipterocarpus alatus in hyperuricemic mice. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 2017,15 (5), 330-340.
39. Yan, X.;†Ge, H. M ;† Huang, T.; † Hindra; † Yang, D.; Teng, Q.; Crnovcic, I.; Li, X.; Rudolf, J. D.; Lohman, J. R.; Gansemans, Y.; Zhu, X.; Huang, Y.; Zhao, L.-X.; Jiang, Y.; Van Nieuwerburgh, F.; Rader, C.; Duan, Y.; Shen, B., Strain Prioritization and Genome Mining for Enediyne Natural Products. Mbio 2016,7 (6); († contributed equally)
40. Yang, W.; Chen, X.; Pan, J.; Ge, H.M.; Yin, K.; Wu, Z.; Li, X.; Sha, D.; Xu, Y., Malibatol A protects against brain injury through reversing mitochondrial dysfunction in experimental stroke. Neurochem Int 2015,80, 33-40.
41. Wang, G.; Fan, J.-Y.; Zhang, W.-J.; Hua, C.-P.; Chen, C.-J.; Yan, W.; Ge, H.-M.; Jiao, R.-H.; Tan, R.-X., Polyketides from Mantis-Associated Fungus Daldinia eschscholzii IFB-TL01. Chem Biodivers 2015,12 (9), 1349-1355
42. Song, Y.-N.; Zhang, W.-J.; Bi, S.-F.; Jiao, R.-H.; Tan, R.-X.; Ge, H.-M., New ansamycin analogues from the mutant strain of Streptomyces seoulensis. J Antibiot 2015,68 (12), 757-759;
43. Song, Y. N.; Jiao, R. H.; Zhang, W. J.; Zhao, G. Y.; Dou, H.; Jiang, R.; Zhang, A. H.; Hou, Y. Y.; Bi, S. F.; Ge, H. M.; Tan, R. X., New Ansamycin Derivatives Generated by Simultaneous Mutasynthesis. Org Lett 2015,17 (3), 556-559
44. Shi, X.; Wei, W.; Zhang, W.-J.; Hua, C.-P.; Chen, C.-J.; Ge, H.-M.; Tan, R.-X.; Jiao, R.-H., New tricycloalternarenes from fungus Alternaria sp. J Asian Nat Prod Res 2015,17 (2), 143-148
45. Ren, R.; Chen, C.-J.; Liu, X.-X.; Ge, H.-M.; Tan, R.-X.; Jiao, R.-H., Bioactive Trichothecenes Produced by the Myrothecium sp QB-1. Helv Chim Acta 2015,98 (10), 1435-1441
46. Ren, R.; Chen, C.-J.; Hu, S.-S.; Ge, H.-M.; Zhu, W.-Y.; Tan, R.-X.; Jiao, R.-H., Drimane Sesquiterpenoids from the Aspergillus oryzae QXPC-4. Chem Biodivers 2015,12 (3), 371-379
47. Pan, J.; Jin, J.-l.; Ge, H.-m.; Yin, K.-l.; Chen, X.; Han, L.-j.; Chen, Y.; Qian, L.; Li, X.-x.; Xu, Y., Malibatol A regulates microglia M1/M2 polarization in experimental stroke in a PPAR gamma-dependent manner. J Neuroinflamm 2015,12
48. Ji, P.; Chen, C.; Hu, Y.; Zhan, Z.; Pan, W.; Li, R.; Li, E.; Ge, H.-M.*; Yang, G.*, Antiviral Activity of Paulownia tomentosa against Enterovirus 71 of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. Biol Pharm Bull 2015,38 (1), 1-6
49. Hu, S.-s.; Jiang, N.; Wang, X.-l.; Chen, C.-j.; Fan, J.-y.; Wurin, G.; Ge, H.-m.; Tan, R.-x.; Jiao, R.-h., Prenylated diphenyl ethers from the mantis-associated fungus Aspergillus versicolor GH-2. Tetrahedron Lett 2015,56 (25), 3894-3897
50. Guo, Z.-K.; Yan, W.; Tan, R.-X.; Ge, H.-M., Actinotetraose L, a new tetrasaccharide derivative isolated from the mycelia of Amycolatopsis sp HCa1. J Asian Nat Prod Res 2015,17 (11), 1109-1113;
51. Chen, C.-J.; Liu, X.-X.; Zhang, W.-J.; Zang, L.-Y.; Wang, G.; Ng, S. W.; Tan, R.-X.; Ge, H.-M.,* Sesquiterpenoids isolated from an endophyte fungus Diaporthe sp. Rsc Adv 2015,5 (23), 17559-17565;(aj) Chen, C. J.; Zhou, Y. Q.; Liu, X. X.; Zhang, W. J.; Hu, S. S.; Lin, L. P.; Huo, G. M.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M.*, Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds from a marine fungus Pleosporales sp. Tetrahedron Lett 2015,56 (45), 6183-6189
52. Shen, B.; Hindra; Yan, X.; Huang, T.; Ge, H. M.; Yang, D.; Teng, Q.; Rudolf, J. D.; Lohman, J. R., Enediynes: Exploration of microbial genomics to discover new anticancer drug leads. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2015,25 (1), 9-15
53. Liu, T.; Ma, M.; Ge, H.-M.; Yang, C.; Cleveland, J.; Shen, B., Synthesis and evaluation of 8,4 '-dideshydroxy-leinamycin revealing new insights into the structure-activity relationship of the anticancer natural product leinamycin. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2015,25 (21), 4899-4902
54. Yan, W.;†Ge, H. M.;† Wang, G.;† Jiang, N.;† Mei, Y. N.; Jiang, R.; Li, S. J.; Chen, C. J.; Jiao, R. H.; Xu, Q.; Ng, S. W.; Tan, R. X., Pictet-Spengler reaction-based biosynthetic machinery in fungi. Pro. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 2014,111 (51), 18138-18143. († contributed equally)
55. Ge, H.-M.; Huang, T.; Rudolf, J. D.; Lohman, J. R.; Huang, S.-X.; Guo, X.; Shen, B., Enediyne Polyketide Synthases Stereoselectively Reduce the beta-Ketoacyl Intermediates to beta-D-Hydroxyacyl Intermediates in Enediyne Core Biosynthesis. Org Lett 2014,16 (15), 3958-3961.
56. Wu, Q.; Jiang, N.; Han, W. B.; Mei, Y. N.; Ge, H. M.; Guo, Z. K.; Weng, N. S.; Tan, R. X., Antibacterial epipolythiodioxopiperazine and unprecedented sesquiterpene from Pseudallescheria boydii, a beetle (coleoptera)-associated fungus. Org Biomol Chem 2014,12 (46), 9405-9412
57. Wu, H. C.; Ge, H. M.; Zang, L. Y.; Bei, Y. C.; Niu, Z. Y.; Wei, W.; Feng, X. J.; Ding, S.; Ng, S. W.; Shen, P. P.; Tan, R. X., Diaporine, a novel endophyte-derived regulator of macrophage differentiation. Org Biomol Chem 2014,12 (34), 6545-6548
58. Wei, W.; Jiang, N.; Mei, Y. N.; Chu, Y. L.; Ge, H. M.; Song, Y. C.; Ng, S. W.; Tan, R. X., An antibacterial metabolite from Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae F2. Phytochemistry 2014,100, 103-109
59. Huang, W.; Zhang, W.-J.; Cheng, Y.-Q.; Jiang, R.; Wei, W.; Chen, C.-J.; Wang, G.; Jiao, R.-H.; Tan, R.-X.; Ge, H.-M., Cytotoxic and Antimicrobial Flavonoids from Cryptocarya concinna. Planta Med 2014,80 (11), 925-930
60. Guo, Z. K.; Wang, R.; Huang, W.; Li, X. N.; Jiang, R.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M., Aspergiloid I, an unprecedented spirolactone norditerpenoid from the plant-derived endophytic fungus Aspergillus sp YXf3. Beilstein J Org Chem 2014,10, 2677-2682
61. Ge, H. M.; Lin, Z.; Yao, Z.; Gao, Y.; Cong, Y.; Yu, H., Balance between herbicidal activity and toxicity effect: A case study of the joint effects of triazine and phenylurea herbicides on Selenastrum capricornutum and Photobacterium phosphoreum. Aquat Toxicol 2014,150, 165-174.
62. Cheng, Y.-Q.; Jiang, R.; Huang, W.; Wei, W.; Chen, C.-J.; Tan, R.-X.; Ge, H.-M., Hopeachinols E-K, novel oligostilbenoids from the stem bark of Hopea chinensis. Rsc Adv 2014,4 (55), 28901-28907;
63. Chen, C. J.; Jiang, R.; Wang, G.; Jiao, R. H.; Tancharoen, C.; Sudto, K.; Vajarothai, S.; Hannongbua, S.; Ge, H. M.*; Tan, R. X.*, Oligostilbenoids with Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activity from Dipterocarpus alatus. Planta Med 2014,80 (17), 1641-1646
64. Zhang, A. H.; Wang, X. Q.; Han, W. B.; Sun, Y.; Guo, Y.; Wu, Q.; Ge, H. M.; Song, Y. C.; Ng, S. W.; Xu, Q.; Tan, R. X., Discovery of a New Class of Immunosuppressants from Trichothecium roseum Co-inspired by Cross-Kingdom Similarity in Innate Immunity and Pharmacophore Motif. Chem-Asian J 2013,8 (12), 3101-3107
65. Wuringege; Guo, Z.-K.; Wei, W.; Jiao, R.-H.; Yan, T.; Zang, L.-Y.; Jiang, R.; Tan, R.-X.; Ge, H.-M.*, Polyketides from the plant endophytic fungus Cladosporium sp IFB3lp-2. J Asian Nat Prod Res 2013,15 (9), 928-933
66. Wang, J.; Chen, X.; Wang, W.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, Z.; Jin, Y.; Ge, H. M.; Li, E.; Yang, G., Glycyrrhizic acid as the antiviral component of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch against coxsackievirus A16 and enterovirus 71 of hand foot and mouth disease. J Ethnopharmacol 2013,147 (1), 114-121
67. Qiao, H.; Chen, X.; Xu, L.; Wang, J.; Zhao, G.; Hou, Y.; Ge, H. M.; Tan, R.-X.; Li, E., Antitumor effects of naturally occurring oligomeric resveratrol derivatives. Faseb J 2013,27 (11), 4561-4571
68. Feng, R.; Wang, T.; Wei, W.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M., Cytotoxic constitutents from Cryptocarya maclurei. Phytochemistry 2013,90, 147-153.
69. Zhu, X.; Ye, L.; Ge, H.; Chen, L.; Jiang, N.; Qian, L.; Li, L.; Liu, R.; Ji, S.; Zhang, S.; Jin, J.; Guan, D.; Fang, W.; Tan, R.; Xu, Y., Hopeahainol A attenuates memory deficits by targeting ss-amyloid in APP/PS1 transgenic mice. Aging Cell 2013,12 (1), 85-92
70. Yan, T.; Guo, Z. K.; Jiang, R.; Wei, W.; Wang, T.; Guo, Y.; Song, Y. C.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M., New Flavonol and Diterpenoids from the Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus sp YXf3. Planta Med 2013,79 (5), 348-352
71. Jiao, R. H.; Xu, H.; Cui, J. T.; Ge, H. M.; Tan, R. X., Neuraminidase Inhibitors from marine-derived actinomycete Streptomyces seoulensis. J Appl Microbiol 2013,114 (4), 1046-1053
72. Guo, Z.-K.; Jiao, R.-H.; Dai, H.-F.; Mei, W.-L.; Tan, R.-X.; Ge, H.-M.*, Actinotetraoses I-K: Tetrasaccharide Metabolites Produced by an Insect-Derived Actinobacteria, Amycolatopsis sp HCa1. Chem Biodivers 2013,10 (2), 296-302
73. Feng, L.-L.; Wu, X.-F.; Liu, H.-L.; Guo, W.-J.; Luo, Q.; Tao, F.-F.; Ge, H.-M.; Shen, Y.; Tan, R.-X.; Xu, Q.; Sun, Y., Vaticaffinol, a resveratrol tetramer, exerts more preferable immunosuppressive activity than its precursor in vitro and in vivo through multiple aspects against activated T lymphocytes. Toxicol Appl Pharm 2013,267 (2), 167-173
74. Bi, S.-F.; Guo, Z.-K.; Jiang, N.; Jiao, R.-H.; Ge, H.-M.; Tan, R.-X., New alkaloid from Streptomyces koyangensis residing in Odontotermes formosanus. J Asian Nat Prod Res 2013,15 (4), 422-425
75. Ge, H. M.; Zhang, L.-D.; Tan, R. X.; Yao, Z.-J., Protecting Group-Free Total Synthesis of (-)-Lannotinidine B. J Am Chem Soc 2012,134 (30), 12323-12325
76. Ge, H. M.; Sun, H.; Jiang, N.; Qin, Y. H.; Dou, H.; Yan, T.; Hou, Y. Y.; Griesinger, C.; Tan, R. X., Relative and Absolute Configuration of Vatiparol (1mg): A Novel Anti-inflammatory Polyphenol. Chem-Eur J 2012,18 (17), 5213-5221
77. Zhang, G. F.; Han, W. B.; Cui, J. T.; Ng, S. W.; Guo, Z. K.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M.*, Neuraminidase Inhibitory Polyketides from the Marine-derived Fungus Phoma herbarum. Planta Med 2012,78 (1), 76-78
78. Zang, L. Y.; Wei, W.; Guo, Y.; Wang, T.; Jiao, R. H.; Ng, S. W.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M.*, Sesquiterpenoids from the Mangrove-Derived Endophytic Fungus Diaporthe sp. J Nat Prod 2012,75 (10), 1744-1749;
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81. Guo, Z. K.; Zhang, G. F.; Jiao, R. H.; Shen, Y.; Xu, Q.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M.*, Actinotetraoses A-H: Tetrasaccharide Derivatives from a Grasshopper-Associated Amycolatopsis sp HCa1. Planta Med 2012,78 (10), 988-994;
82. Guo, Z. K.; Yan, T.; Guo, Y.; Song, Y. C.; Jiao, R. H.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M., p-Terphenyl and Diterpenoid Metabolites from Endophytic Aspergillus sp YXf3. J Nat Prod 2012,75 (1), 15-21
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85. Fang, W.; Ji, S.; Jiang, N.; Wang, W.; Zhao, G. Y.; Zhang, S.; Ge, H. M.; Xu, Q.; Zhang, A. H.; Zhang, Y. L.; Song, Y. C.; Zhang, J.; Tan, R. X., Naphthol radical couplings determine structural features and enantiomeric excess of dalesconols in Daldinia eschscholzii. Nat Commun 2012,3;
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87. Ge, H. M.; Yan, W.; Guo, Z. K.; Luo, Q.; Feng, R.; Zang, L. Y.; Shen, Y.; Jiao, R. H.; Xu, Q.; Tan, R. X., Precursor-directed fungal generation of novel halogenated chaetoglobosins with more preferable immunosuppressive action. Chem Commun 2011,47 (8), 2321-2323
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89. Qin, Y. H.; Zhang, J.; Cui, J. T.; Guo, Z. K.; Jiang, N.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M.*, Oligostilbenes from Vatica mangachapoi with xanthine oxidase and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities. Rsc Adv 2011,1 (1), 135-141
90. Guo, Z. K.; Wang, T.; Guo, Y.; Song, Y. C.; Tan, R. X.; Ge, H. M.*, Cytotoxic Angucyclines from Amycolatopsis sp HCa1, a Rare Actinobacteria Derived from Oxya chinensis. Planta Med 2011,77 (18), 2057-2060
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93. Lin, A.; Wang, J.; Mao, H.; Ge, H.M.; Tan, R.; Zhu, C.; Cheng, Y., Organocatalytic Asymmetric Michael-Type/Wittig Reaction of Phosphorus Ylides: Synthesis of Chiral alpha-Methylene-delta-Ketoesters. Org Lett 2011,13 (16), 4176-4179
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96. Ge, H. M.; Zhang, Q.; Xu, S. H.; Guo, Z. K.; Song, Y. C.; Huang, W. Y.; Tan, R. X., Chaetoglocins A-D, Four New Metabolites from the Endophytic Fungus Chaetomium globosum. Planta Med 2011,77 (3), 277-280
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98. Ge, H. M.; Yang, W. H.; Shen, Y.; Jiang, N.; Guo, Z. K.; Luo, Q.; Xu, Q.; Ma, J.; Tan, R. X., Immunosuppressive Resveratrol Aneuploids from Hopea chinensis. Chem-Eur J 2010,16 (21), 6338-6345
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102. Ge, H.-M.; Yang, W.-H.; Zhang, J.; Tan, R.-X., Antioxidant Oligostilbenoids from the Stem Wood of Hopea hainanensis. J Agr Food Chem 2009,57 (13), 5756-5761
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105. Ge, H. M.; Tan, R., Symbionts, an Important Source of New Bioactive Natural Products. Prog Chem 2009,21 (1), 30-46
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108. Ge, H. M.; Zhu, C. H.; Shi, D. H.; Zhang, L. D.; Xie, D. Q.; Yang, J.; Ng, S. W.; Tan, R. X., Hopeahainol A: An acetylcholinesterase inhibitor from Hopea hainanensis. Chem-Eur J 2008,14 (1), 376-381;
109. Ge, H. M.; Zhang, W. Y.; Ding, G.; Saparpakorn, P.; Song, Y. C.; Hannongbua, S.; Tan, R. X., Chaetoglobins A and B, two unusual alkaloids from endophytic Chaetomium globosum culture. Chem Commun 2008, (45), 5978-5980
110. Ge, H. M.; Shen, Y.; Zhu, C. H.; Tan, S. H.; Ding, H.; Song, Y. C.; Tan, R. X., Penicidones A-C, three cytotoxic alkaloidal metabolites of an endophytic Penicillium sp. Phytochemistry 2008,69 (2), 571-576
111. Zhang, Y. L.; Ge, H. M.; Zhao, W.; Dong, H.; Xu, Q.; Li, S. H.; Li, J.; Zhang, J.; Song, Y. C.; Tan, R. X., Unprecedented immunosuppressive polyketides from Daldinia eschscholzii, a mantis-associated fungus. Angew Chem Int Edit 2008,47 (31), 5823-5826
112. Zhang, Y. L.; Ge, H. M.; Li, F.; Song, Y. C.; Tan, R. X., New Phytotoxic Metabolites from Pestalotiopsis sp HC02, a Fungus Residing in Chondracris rosee Gut. Chem Biodivers 2008,5 (11), 2402-2407
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118. Gu, W.; Ge, H. M.; Song, Y. C.; Ding, H.; Zhu, H. L.; Zhao, X. A.; Tan, R. X., Cytotoxic benzo j fluoranthene metabolites from Hypoxylon truncatum IFB-18, an endophyte of Artemisia annua. J Nat Prod 2007,70 (1), 114-117
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120. Ge, H. M.; Song, Y. C.; Chen, J. R.; Hu, S.; Wu, J. Y.; Tan, R. X., Paranolin: A new xanthene-based metabolite from Paraphaeosphaeria nolinae. Helv Chim Acta 2006,89 (3), 502-506
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124. Jiao, R. H.; Xu, S.; Liu, J. Y.; Ge, H. M.; Ding, H.; Xu, C.; Zhu, H. L.; Tan, R. X., Chaetominine, a cytotoxic alkaloid produced by endophytic Chaetomium sp IFB-E015. Org Lett 2006,8 (25), 5709-5712
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